Is it important to know who is copyediting my file?


Many vendors and independent freelancers offer copyediting services, but very few can offer The Three T’s: Testing, training, and traceability. At 4Evolution we validate the qualifications of copy editors to ensure world-class service, provide remedial training on an as-needed basis, and remain accountable throughout the duration of the project.

The staff at 4Evolution leverage 60 years of publishing and copyediting experience, including several decades of extensive diagnostic testing (close to 8,000 tests administered). Their proprietary language enhancement program identifies any language areas to be improved, to ensure an ongoing high level of service. Accountability is also provided via experienced resources who will trace any issues that may arise back to the source and provide swift resolution.

Book a meeting with our resident copyediting experts to learn more about the 4Evolution Center for Copyediting Excellence.

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