Can Level 2 and 3 copyediting be done offshore?
Copyediting levels are determined based on the level of intervention required. Level 2 may typically involve some instances of the rephrasing of text. Level 3 may include rewriting, which is where the process can get tricky.
A major aspect related to the language skills of offshore copy editors is frequency of use of the language. Many offshore copy editors many indeed possess sufficient language skills to provide basic rephrasing services. But in reality, in the majority of cases their day-to-day use of English is limited to their work. Rewriting, the most difficult aspect of Level 3, requires copy editors who use English to a far greater extent in their daily lives.
4Evolution provides near-shore copyediting services based in Dumaguete, Philippines. For students in this location, English is the primary language used in 11 out of 12 classes during their primary and secondary academic careers. This prepares students for the fact that English is also the primary language used to conduct business in Dumaguete.
This differs greatly from other outsourcing locations, where very often the only instances when editorial staff are using English is in the course of their actual work.
Book a meeting with our resident copyediting experts to learn whether the Dumaguete Difference can make a difference for you.